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환절기/미세먼지/감기증상에 도움이 되는 제품으로 

면역력 강화 에 도움을 주는 꿀/레몬맛 씹어먹는 비타민 입니다 


하루 두알 섭취 권장 드리며 12세 이상부터 복용권유 드립니다 


Suitable For: Suitable for vegetarians

Size: 120 Pack


• Provides immune system support and common cold symptom relief.
• Formulated with Manuka honey from the Mt. Taranaki region in New Zealand where the bees are left in the native forest all year round so that pure, pristine honey can be harvested.
• Manuka honey is rich in phenolic acids, which are antioxidant compounds.
• Enriched with acerola, a tropical fruit native to Latin America which is known for its natural vitamin C content.
• Comes in a delicious, chewable tablet, in a natural honey and lemon flavour.
• Supports general health and wellbeing.
• Assists connective tissue production.





Manuka honey (Honey) 100 mg; Acerola (Malpighia glabra extract 20 mg) equiv. fresh fruit 250 mg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 200 mg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid from calcium ascorbate dihydrate) 135 mg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid from sodium ascorbate) 165 mg

Contains: Contains gluten, sucralose & sulfites. No added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg, soy, artificial colours or artificial flavours. Suitable for vegetarians.

스위스 마누카허니 비타민 C 츄어블 120정

SKU: Swisse Mnk Honey & Vitc Chewable 120
₩26,900 일반가
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